28 May 2024

Indian Navy MR Recruitment 2024 – Agniveer MR Application Form

Post Name Agniveer MR Organization Indian Navy Qualification 10th Pass Application Process Online Application Fee Rs.550/- Start Date 13th May 2024 Last Date 5th June 2024 Indian Navy MR Recruitment Indian Navy has notified us that the application process for Agniveer MR Recruitment will start on 13th May 2024. The candidates who are eligible as...

Indian Navy MR Recruitment Details
Post NameAgniveer MR
OrganizationIndian Navy
Qualification10th Pass
Application ProcessOnline
Application FeeRs.550/-
Start Date13th May 2024
Last Date5th June 2024

Indian Navy MR Recruitment

Indian Navy has notified us that the application process for Agniveer MR Recruitment will start on 13th May 2024. The candidates who are eligible as per the official notification will be able to submit their applications at the official portal of the Indian Navy. This recruitment is processing under the newly launched Agnipath Scheme.

Related: Indian Navy Admit Card

Indian Navy MR Recruitment Details

Name of Recruitment: Agniveer (MR)

Name of Posts: Chef, Steward & Hygienist

Batch Name: 02/2024 Batch

Name of Scheme: Agnipath Scheme

Training Venue: INS, Chilka

Educational Qualification: Candidate must have passed the Matriculation Examination (10th) from the Board of School Education recognized by MHRD, Government of India.

Age Limit: Candidates who are born between 1st November 2003 to 30th April 2007 (both dates inclusive) are eligible for Indian Navy MR recruitment.

Martial Status: Only Unmarried Male and Unmarried Female candidates are eligible for Indian Army MR Recruitment.

Examination Fee for MR Recruitment

An examination fee of Rs. 550/- (Rupees Five hundred fifty only) plus 18% GST has to be paid by the candidate during the online application through online mode by using net banking or by using Visa/ Master/ RuPay Credit/ Debit Card/ UPI. Admit cards will be issued for the examination only to those candidates who have successfully paid the examination fee.

How to Apply for Navy MR Recruitment?

Candidates who have fulfilled the required criteria can submit their applications on the official portal of the Indian Navy. Candidates must submit all the required details, including some scanned copies of their testimonials and the application form. The URL of the official portal is attached to this article and candidates can follow the steps given below to complete the application process.

Scroll down, and check the Important Link section.
Click on the Online Application Link.
Now, an official web portal will load in the new tab of your browser.
In that portal, you will get the option to register yourself.
If you are not already registered then complete your registration process.
Now, login with your registered email address and password.
Click on Current Opportunities.
Click on the Agniveer (MR) option.
Fill in all the asked details carefully.
Before clicking on the submit button, ensure all the details are correct.
Now, upload all required documents in the specified file types and sizes.
After that pay the Examination Fee.
In the end, submit your application.
Also, you will receive an acknowledgement copy of your submission.
Keep that acknowledgement copy for future use.

Important Dates of Indian Navy Recruitment

Application Start Date13th May 2024
Application Last Date5th June 2024

Important Links of Indian Navy MR Recruitment

Online Application LinkClick Here
Download Official NotificationClick Here
Recommended Guide BooksClick Here
Visit Official WebsiteClick Here

Selection Criteria of Navy MR Recruitment

In this recruitment, the selection of the candidates will be done through the three-staged selection process. A brief description of those three stages is as follows.

Stage-I (INET)

Shortlisting. All India computer-based examination- INET will be conducted for the Shortlisting of candidates. Shortlisting would be based on marks obtained in the Indian Navy Entrance Test. Shortlisting will be carried out in a state-wise manner. The cut-off marks for shortlisting for the next stage of the selection process may vary from state to state as vacancies have been allocated in a state-wise manner.

Type of Exam: Computer-Based Examination.

Medium of Exam: The question paper will be in two languages ​​Hindi and English.

Total Marks: 50 Marks.

No of Questions: 50 MCQs.

Duration of Exam: 30 Minutes.

Syllabus: The question paper will comprise of two sections i.e. ‘Science & Mathematics’ and General Awareness.

Negative Marking: Candidates should note that there will be a penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers given by a candidate. There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty.

Note: The candidates are required to pass in all sections as well as in aggregate. The Indian Navy reserves the right to determine the pass marks in each Section and in aggregate.

Stage-II (Written Exam, PFT and Initial Medical)

Candidates shortlisted in the INET examination (computer-based online examination) will be issued a call-up letter for Stage II (written examination, PFT and Initial Medical). Stage-II will be conducted in the designated centres of the Indian Navy. The syllabus for the Stage-II written exam is available on the official website of the Indian Navy. Aadhar Card is mandatory for Stage-II.

Physical Fitness Test: Qualifying in the Physical Fitness Test is mandatory for selection and without qualifying PFT candidates will not be able to participate in the further process. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. The details of PFT will be as follows.

Test NameMaleFemale
1.6 KM Running6:30 Minutes8 Minutes
Squats (Uthak Baithak)2015
Bent Knee Sit-ups10

Note: The written examination and physical fitness test will be conducted on the same day.

Initial Medical Examination: Initial Medical Examination will be carried out for candidates who qualify for PFT. Candidates qualifying initial medical examination will be considered “Provisionally fit subject to fitness in the final medical examination”. The Final Recruitment Medical Examination of all selected candidates will be held at INS Chilka. Candidates who are found medically unfit in initial medical will be advised to appeal against its findings, if they so desire, at the designated military hospital (allocated by the Indian Navy) within a maximum period of 21 days. No further review/ appeal is permissible.

Merit List: Merit list will be prepared based on performance in the Stage-II written exam, subject to qualification in the Physical Fitness Test and Initial Medical Examination. Merit List for Agniveer (MR) male and female will be based on state-wise merit. The cut-off marks for the issue of call-up letters for the final recruitment examination at INS Chilka may vary from state to state.

Stage-III (Final Medical Examination)

The Final Recruitment Medical Examination of all selected candidates will be conducted at INS Chilka. Candidates who are found medically fit in the Final Recruitment Medical Examination will be recruited. Candidates who are found medically unfit will be advised to appeal against its findings, if they so desire, at INHS Nivarini/ INHS Kalyani within a maximum period of 21 days. No further review/ appeal is permissible.

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