31 October 2023

Assam Police Recruitment 2023 – Apply Online for 5325 Posts

Assam Police Recruitment 2023 has been announced for 5325 Posts and the Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates.

Assam Police Recruitment Details
Post NameConstable & Others
Total Posts5325 Posts
OrganizationSLPRB, Assam
Qualification6th Pass
Application ProcessOnline
Application FeeFree
Start Date15th October 2023
Last Date1st November 2023
Guide Books for Assam Police Exams

Assam Police Recruitment 2023

The State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam has issued eleven official notifications regarding the recruitment of various 5325 posts under Assam Police, APRO, Assam Commando Battalions, DGCD & CGHG, Prison Department and Directorate of Forensic Science. The application process for this recruitment will be online and eligible and interested candidates will have to submit their online applications on the official website of SLRBP.

Related: Assam Police Admit Card

Assam Police Recruitment Details

Name of Post: Boatman, Constable, Driver, Grade IV, Havilder, Safai Karmachari, Sub Inspector, Sweeper and Other Posts

No of Posts: 5325 Posts

Name of Department: Assam Police, APRO, Assam Commando Battalions, DGCD & CGHG, Prison Department and Directorate of Forensic Science.

Name of Recruitment Authority: State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam

Pay Scale: For this information please refer to the official notifications.

Helplines: +91-8826762317 or [email protected].

Vacancy Details of Assam Police Recruitment

Name of PostNo of Posts
Boatman58 Posts
Constable (AB)2302 Posts
Constable (UB)1759 Posts
Constable (Communication)204 Posts
Constable (Carpenter)02 Posts
Constable (Dispatch Rider)02 Posts
Constable (Messenger)02 Posts
Craft Instructor02 Posts
Driver Constable654 Posts
Grade IV142 Posts
Havilder02 Posts
Laboratory Technician02 Posts
Nurse01 Posts
Safai Karmachari34 Posts
Sub Inspector (Communication)07 Posts
Sub Inspector (UB)144 Posts
Sweeper03 Posts
Teacher04 Posts
Tractor Operator01 Posts
Grand Total5325 Posts

Required Educational Qualification

Boatman: Candidates who have passed HSLC or equivalent from any recognized Board or Council. Candidates should have proficiency in swimming.

Constable (AB): Candidates who have passed HSLC or Class 10th from any recognized Board or Council.

Constable (UB): Candidates who have passed HS or Class 12th from any recognized Board or Council.

Constable (Communication): Candidates who have passed HS (Science) with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) from a recognized Board or Council. The Candidates must have obtained pass marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) in the HS (Science) examination to apply for the post.

Constable (Carpenter): Candidates who have passed HSLC or equivalent from any recognized Board or Council and passed the prescribed ITI course in trade.

Constable (Dispatch Rider/Messenger): Candidates who have passed HSLC or equivalent from any recognized Board or Council and must possess a valid driving license for LMV, MMV or HMV.

Constable (Craft Instructor): Candidates who have passed HSLC or equivalent from any recognized Board or Council. Certificate in Bamboo and Cane work/ Tailoring/ Weaving/ Soap making from ITI or such other recognized Institute.

Driver Constable: Candidates who have passed HSLC or equivalent from any recognized Board or Council and must possess a valid driving license for LMV, MMV or HMV.

Grade IV: Candidates who have read up to Class 8th in a recognized School or Institution are eligible for this recruitment. The maximum qualification will be HSSLC or Class XII passed from a recognized Board or Council. Also, candidates will need to have diplomas in respective trades where applicable.

Safai Karmachari: Candidates who have read up to Class 6th in a recognized School or Institution are eligible for this recruitment. The maximum qualification will be HSSLC or Class XII passed from a recognized Board or Council.

Sub Inspector (UB): Candidates who have a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts, Commerce, Science or equivalent stream from a recognized College/ Institution affiliated with a recognized University are eligible.

For Other Posts: Please refer to the official notification for this information.

Age Limit of Assam Police Recruitment

Boatman/ Constable/ Driver Constable: The age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 25 years as of 1st January 2023. Candidate must be born on or before 1st January 2005 and on or after 1st January 1998.

Sub Inspector (UB): The age of the candidate should not be less than 20 years and not more than 26 years as of 1st January 2023. Candidate must be born on or before 1st January 2003 and on or after 1st January 1997.

Grade IV (Assam Commando Battalions): The age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 25 years as of 1st January 2023. Candidate must be born on or before 1st January 2005 and on or after 1st January 1998.

Grade IV (Assam Police/DGCD & CGHG): The age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years as of 1st January 2023. Candidate must be born on or before 1st January 1983 and on or after 1st January 1998.

For Other Posts: Please refer to the official notification for this information.

Age Relaxation: Category-wise upper age relaxation will be as follows.

SC5 Years
ST (P)5 Years
ST (H)5 Years

Note: For the purpose of determining the age limit, the SLPRB will accept only the date of birth recorded in the Admit Card/ Certificate of HSLC or equivalent examination issued by a recognized education Board. No other documents relating to age such as horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal Corporations, service records and the like will be accepted.

Required Physical Standard

In order to be eligible for the Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023, candidates need to meet the following physical standards.

1. Height (Minimum)

CategoryMale & Trans.Female
General162.56 cm154.94 cm
OBC/MOBC162.56 cm154.94 cm
Schedule Caste162.56 cm154.94 cm
Schedule Tribes160.02 cm152.40 cm

2. Chest (Only for Men)

General80 cm85 cm
OBC/MOBC80 cm85 cm
Schedule Caste80 cm85 cm
Schedule Tribes78 cm83 cm

Required Medical Standard

Candidates should meet certain medical standards, which include not having knocked knees, flat feet, or squinted eyes. They should also not be colour-blind. Varicose veins are considered a temporary disqualification. Furthermore, candidates must be in good mental and physical health, free from physical deformities, and without ailments such as diabetes, heart diseases, hernia, piles, respiratory diseases, or any other condition that might hinder their ability to perform duties efficiently. Their distant vision should be at least 6/6 in one eye and no worse than 6/9 in the other without correction. Near vision should be normal.

Other Details of Assam Police Recruitment

Nationality: Candidates must be Indian Citizens and permanent residents of Assam.

Employment Exchange: Candidates must register his/ her name with a local Employment Exchange in Assam.

Language: Candidates must speak Assamese or any other State language fluently.

Application Fee: There is no application fee for this recruitment.

How to Apply for Assam Police Recruitment?

Candidates eligible and willing to serve for Assam Police as per the official notification of SLPRB will be able to submit their online applications on the official portal of SLPRB within the last date of submission of the application. Candidates can follow the simple steps listed below to complete their online application process.

Scroll down, and check the Important Link section.
Click on the Online Application Link.
An official web portal will now load in your browser’s new tab.
In that portal, you will get the option to register yourself.
After registration, you have to provide all your required details.
After that, you have to upload your documents.
After completion of all steps, your application will be submitted.
Also, you will receive an acknowledgement copy of your submission.
Keep that acknowledgement copy for future use.

Required Documents to Upload

Candidates have to upload certain documents in the prescribed file format to complete the online application process of Assam Police. The list of those required documents is given below.

Name of DocumentsFormatMax. File Size
Passport Size PhotographJPG/PNG450 KB
SignatureJPG/PNG100 KB
Age ProofPDF200 KB
Educational DocumentsPDF200 KB
Other Relavant CertificatePDF200 KB

File Format: Candidates have to upload their photograph and signature in jpg or png file format. Similarly, other files need to be in PDF format.

Important Dates of Assam Police Recruitment

Application Start Date15th October 2023
Application Last Date1st November 2023

Important Links of Assam Police Recruitment

Online Application LinkRegister | Login
Online Image Resize ToolClick Here
Online Application GuideClick Here
Official Notice (Boatman)Click Here
Official Notice (Constable)Click Here
Official Notice (Constable Backlog)Click Here
Official Notice (Constable APRO)Click Here
Official Notice (Driver Constable)Click Here
Official Notice (Havilder)Click Here
Official Notice (Grade IV)Click Here
Official Notice (Prison Dept)Click Here
Official Notice (Safai Karmachari)Click Here
Official Notice (SI UB)Click Here
Official Notice (SI APRO)Click Here
Install Our Android AppClick Here
Visit Official WebsiteClick Here

Assam Police Common Application Portal

State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam has developed a new portal called Common Application Portal for receiving online applications for all current recruitments in Assam Police. With the help of this portal, applicants will be able to submit their online applications for all the recruitment of Assam Police in one place. This common portal of Assam Police will reduce the hassle of application submission by reducing the re-registration process for various recruitments. The User Interface of that Common Application Portal will be the same as shown in the image attached below. The link to this Common Application Portal of Assam Police is provided above in the section of Important Links.

Common Application Portal of Assam Police
Common Application Portal of Assam Police

Selection Process of Assam Police

Candidates with correct applications will undergo the Physical Standards Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET). If any candidate is found to have a physical deformity during these tests, as determined by the Medical Officer in the Selection Committee, they will be disqualified from participating in the remaining tests.

Preliminary Documents Verification

Before candidates are allowed to participate in the PST and PET as per the specified eligibility criteria, all original documents, along with photocopies, will be thoroughly verified. Candidates who are rejected during this process will be provided with rejection slips that detail the reasons for rejection. It is important to note that the submission of incorrect information or forged documents at any stage will result in disqualification and may lead to criminal prosecution. The original documents of candidates may be subject to verification at a later stage in the recruitment process. Additionally, all photocopies submitted by candidates must be self-attested. To prevent document manipulation at a later stage, the Chairman or a Member of the Selection Committee will sign each copy of such documents during the PST & PET, especially on documents like caste certificates and any other documents that carry marks.

Physical Standard Test

After document verification, candidates will proceed to the PST (Physical Standard Test), which is non-scoring. The PST includes the measurement of height, weight, and chest (for males) using the latest technology. Candidates will also undergo preliminary medical examinations by a Medical Officer, which include checks for knock knee, vision, colour blindness, flat foot, varicose veins, physical deformities, and more. Once a candidate successfully clears the PST, they will proceed to the PET (Physical Efficiency Test).

Physical Efficiency Test

Race: In the PET, candidates must complete a race within the specified time, as detailed in the table below. For additional information, please refer to the official notification.

Male3200 Metres14 Minutes
Female1600 Metres08 Minutes

Long Jump: During the PET, candidates are required to perform a long jump, the details of which are provided in the table below. For a more comprehensive understanding, please refer to the official notification.

GenderLong JumpChances
Male335 cm3 Chances
Female244 cm3 Chances

Chin Up (Male): During the PET, male candidates applying for Constable (AB) will be required to perform chin-ups as outlined in the table below. For additional information, please refer to the official notification.

Chin UpsMarks
Less than 4 chin upsDisqualified
4 chin ups10 marks
5 chin ups11 marks
6 chin ups12 marks
7 chin ups13 marks
8 chin ups14 marks
9 chin ups15 marks
10 chin ups16 marks
11 chin ups17 marks
12 chin ups18 marks
13 chin ups19 marks
14 chin ups20 marks

Written Test

The written test will comprise 100 multiple-choice questions to be marked on an OMR answer sheet. Each correct answer will earn the candidate half a mark. The questions will be at the level of class IX and X. The total marks for the written test will be 50, and there will be no negative marks. In the written test, the following subjects will be covered.

Name of Subjects
Elementary Arithmetic
General English
Logical Reasoning/Mental Ability
Assam’s History, Geography, Polity, Economy
General Awareness/General Knowledge and Current Affairs

Note: The question paper for the Written Exam will be in Assamese, Bodo, Bengali and English.

FAQs of Assam Police Recruitment

What is the starting date of the online application?

The online application for Assam Police Recruitment 2023 will start on 15th October 2023.

What is the last date for the online application?

The last date for the online application of Assam Police Recruitment 2023 is 1st November 2023.

What is the minimum educational qualification for Assam Police Recruitment?

A candidate who has passed class 6th from a recognized institute is eligible to submit an application for Assam Police Recruitment.

What is the total number of vacancies in Assam Police Recruitment?

The total number of vacancies in Assam Police Recruitment 2023 is 5325 posts.

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