Preparing for a competitive or recruitment-based examination can be a daunting task, but with the right resources, it can also be a rewarding one. One of the most important tools in any exam-taker’s arsenal is a good book. In this post, we will be recommending some of the best books for competitive and recruitment-based exams that have been personally checked and verified for their quality and value for money.
We have divided the books into different categories based on their content type, so you can easily find the right one for you. Whether you’re looking to improve your general knowledge, brush up on your math skills, or get a better understanding of a specific subject, we’ve got you covered.
For your ease, we have provided the best online buying links for each book, so you can easily purchase the books you need. We hope that this list of recommended books will help you score a good mark in your upcoming competitive and recruitment-based exams. Good luck on your exam preparation journey!”

Assam Direct Recruitment Guide Books
In recent times, we have received a lot of queries regarding the Assam Direct Recruitment Syllabus and Books. In this section, we will provide the links to some of the books available on the e-commerce platform for this recruitment. Lastly, we advise all of you to check the contents of the books properly before placing the order as we have not read these listed books.

Book Name: Brihat Nijukti Parikshar Guide Book (Assamese)
Book Name: Niyog Darpan by UBP (Assamese)
Book Name: Assam Competitive Refresher by RG’s Expert Guide (English)
Book Name: Niyog Darpan by Nistha Prakashan (Assamese)
Book Name: Assam Direct Recruitment Exam Guide Book (English)
Book Name: Niyog Darpan by UBP (English)
Note: If anyone has suggestions regarding books for this recruitment can comment on the book name along with the publisher’s name. We will try to include them as well.
Books for Assam Police Constable
In this section, we have compiled a short list of books that will help you prepare for the recruitment-based written exam for Assam Police Constable (AB/UB). The books are quite interesting and we suggest all our users check out these books once. We hope that these books will definitely help you to increase your chances of qualifying for the written exam of Assam Police.
All in One: Assam Police Constable Recruitment Exam (Assamese)
All in One: Assam Police Constable Recruitment Exam (English)
Book Name: Assam Year Book – 2024 (Assamese)
Book Name: Assam Year Book – 2024 (English)
Assamese Grammar: SEBA Class 10th Assamese Grammar Book
English Grammar: SEBA Class 10th English Grammar Book
Additional Tips: All applicants are suggested to read and practice SCERT books for classes 7th to 10th. This practice will be very beneficial for the written exam of Assam Police Constable Recruitment. We suggest our users read the above classes Social Science, General Maths and General Science books.
Books for Assam TET Recruitment Test
The Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam, has announced that the Assam TET Recruitment Test 2024 will be conducted for the recruitment of Graduate Teachers (GT) and Post Graduate Teachers (PGT). The government aims to fill a total of 8,980 vacancies in both GT and PGT teacher positions. For reference study materials, our users may utilize the following resources.
All in One: Assam TET Recruitment Test Guide Book by UBP (Assamese)
All in One: Assam TET Recruitment Test Guide Book by UBP (English)
All in One: Assam TET Recruitment Test Guide Book: NE Spectrum Series (English)
APDCL Exam Guide Books
As you all know Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) is going to announce the recruitment of more than 5,000 vacancies. The official notification for this recruitment is not yet released and likewise, the online application process has not started. The process will start soon and applicants will have to attend the written test. Applicants have to perform better in the written test to secure the job. To help APDCL applicants, we will provide a list of recommended books after the official release of the syllabus.
DHS, DHSFW, DME and AYUSH Exam Guide
In this section, we have provided a list of recommended books for the combined written examination of 3945 posts of Grade III and Grade IV. Applicants of this recruitment can buy the following guidebook to improve their written exam preparation.
Book Name: Recruitment Examination Directorate of Health Services, Assam (Assamese)
Book Name: Fast Track Guide of Directorate of Health Services, Assam Recruitment Examination 2022 (English)
All in One SSC GD Constable Guide
Book Name: SSC Constable Exam Practice Sets (Hindi)
Book Name: SSC Constable Recruitment Exam 2024 by Arihant (Hindi)
Book Name: SSC Constable Recruitment Exam 2024 by Arihant (English)
All in One Air Force Agniveer Guide
Book Name: Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Phase-1 Guide (English)
Book Name: Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Phase-1 Guide (Hindi)
All in One SSC MTS Exam Guide
Book Name: SSC Multi Tasking Non-Technical Guide 2023 (English)
Book Name: SSC Multi Tasking Non-Technical Guide 2023 (Hindi)
All in One SSC CHSL Exam Guide
Book Name: SSC CHSL (10+2) Combined Higher Secondary Tier 1 Guide 2023 (English)
Book Name: SSC CHSL (10+2) Combined Higher Secondary Tier 1 Guide 2023 (Hindi)
All in One SSC CGL Exam Guide
Book Name: Master Guide SSC CGL Tier 1 (English)
Book Name: Master Guide SSC CGL Tier 1 (Hindi)
General English
Book Name: Lucents General English
Book Name: Objective General English by SP Bakshi
General Knowledge
Book Name: Lucent’s General Knowledge (English)
Book Name: Lucent’s General Knowledge (Hindi)
Book Name: Manorama Yearbook 2024 (English)
Book Name: Manorama Yearbook 2024 (Hindi)
Quantitative Aptitude
Book Name: Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma
Book Name: Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examination by R S Aggarwal
Book Name: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning R S Aggarwal
Book Name: Logical Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
Computer Awareness
Book Name: Objective Computer Awareness
Assam History
Book Name: The History of Assam from Yandabo to Partition by Priyam Goswami
Book Name: A Comprehensive History of Assam by SL Baruah
Indian Economy
Book Name: Pratiyogita Darpan Extra Issue Series-1 Indian Economy
Book Name: Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
Indian Polity
Book Name: Indian Polity 7 Edition by M Laxmikanth
Book Name: Introduction to the Constitution of India
These are our recommended best books as per their categories and more valuable best books will be updated on this same page in future, keep visiting to stay updated. Also, if you have any recommendations then don’t forget to send us through this Contact Us page or comment section.
Disclaimer: We ( are not responsible for any invalid purchase and we don’t take any legal responsibility for the link shared here. All links are affiliated and only for recommendation purposes. All visitors are requested to read these products’ descriptions or specifications carefully before placing the order.